Girls accepted into the BGC School of Food 2.0 will be introduced to each of Black Girls Cook’s four core programs in a multi-dimensional setting. ☀️

Throughout the 3-week cohort, girls between theages of 8 and 15 will participate in essential life-skills workshops, learn how to cook and bake their favorite cultural meals, learn the fundamentals of growing their own edible garden, and create basic skincare products with ingredients found in the kitchen. 🍉

🗣️ Please note that spaces are limited and the application process is competitive.

Additionally, only individuals accepted into the program will receive the exact location. 

Who: Girls 8-15 years of age (Must be Baltimore City residents)

​When: July 1st-19th or July 22nd- August 9th

Time: 10 am- 2pm 

Where: Baltimore, 21202 (exact location will be provided to those accepted into the program).

Be sure to to apply by THURSDAY, MAY 30TH AT 11:59 pm.‼️

Previous Programming 


Upcoming Classes


BGC Summer of Food 2024